It's funny how money really disturbs my need for adversity that leads to finding ways around it.
Those ways are the ones that make me write and do art, feeling and breathing by other means different from the physical world. Now, with some little money, I feel empowered, but for what? This economic life is not my field... Or it hasn't been since I never had money beyond my own close necessities. I'm used to live in my head with dreams falling in my step. Now those dreams don't find their way into me. It's like money puts you on the field of world economics, where you are a player of jokes and superficial pleasures. My soul seems away, like poor old money said that she no longer needed. In need of my heart again. Money puts you into action, physical action, but with no mind consolation. I'm not saying that money is evil. What I'm saying is that I'm not used to it. I'm no longer used to having it.The power that money gives is dangerous for someone that is used to live beyond it and his powers. Having no money boundaries makes a spiritual soul feel heavy and contracted. Money is a strange thing...
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