Make me lie to a complete stranger
being corpses of me without any mercy.
For living dead I wake my child that always smiles.
Complete unsucess of the soul,
all body and matter like no other.
Great woman of my unforgettable youth
grows her breasts to feed me my uncontrolled heart.
Life beside me, oh that life beside me...
Morning sun comes greater with my eyes
and all that I do shine makes me feel so alive.
The loneliness of my forgotten misery,
being alone with no thee.
My bed watered by my tears, phenomenal tears!
Oh, as I believe in not knowing!
Thinking unlifes you.
Get together in silence.
Burst out from it like shiny, shiny angels of death:
bringing new life!
There's no tomorrow for me only yesterday
and so yes, I live for tomorrow always with a smile
and a calm shoulder where to put my head to rest.
Living is a platform of giving and receiving
and now, for now, writing is walking, is flowing, is growing,
is understanding without having to think.
Words write them selves teaching me how to be,
how to be free.
God damn this curse!
(my child smiles)
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