sábado, 2 de março de 2013

"Nothing beats reality."

Sixto Rodriguez

(Finally, after the fans' detective work pays off via Rodriguez's daughter noticing their website, they -- and we -- finally meet him. He proves not just modest, but downright humble, and rather taciturn; it's clear why the film had to be structured this way. He says of Cold Fact, "I had achieved what I wanted to do." And then, "Nothing beats reality, so I went back to work." His work? Demolition, and He also ran for political office, unsuccessfully; a strongly expressed socio-political sympathy for the downtrodden is frequently heard in his songs. We also hear from his daughter about how he majored in philosophy and took his children to museums. He also worked at Chrysler.)

documentary: "Searching for Sugar Man"   

Compreendo - agora - perfeitamente o que ele diz.

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