quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2013

Need to be small to get to the top.
Small and open, light caresses your laments.
Before spirit comes truth and to find her you need to really go down stream.
Find my self in a day without faith, strange thing to me...
Get up, get up and you'll see. What? Who? Where?
Don't take your feelings nor your life too seriously.
Unfortunately you were fecundated by a powerful demon that now sings in you
since you've tamed him.
Don't believe in lost souls that claim you outside.
Truth lies in you giving time to your discomfort with it.  
Never thought coming to this but life's a journey and I'm impregnated in it.
Flowers fly tomorrow and see your eyes in others: that is beauty.
Can't find no meaning,
Can't find no place to be.
My material home is a graveyard for so long that I created a paradise in my head.
A paradise that has to be closed completely for I to stay believing.
Strange life.
Crazy thoughts come threw my mind and I, and I watch them go by,
As that when I talk to somebody that moment shines.
So, together with that strange believing I get by.

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