quarta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2013

Sometimes to loose it all it's the only way to find your own and only way.
I've been there, I know what it is to be without and being besides.
By this I found my way, a little and narrow way where I can watch and be free.
This way, by the changing of my youth, responsibilities and possibilities,
is crumbling into beauty or phenomenal tragedy. Cause feeling good doesn't last
if you started unfinished and unresolved. Craving into believing that I can, from now on,
be as little and big as I am inly. Precaution a must and attention to all that is outside.
For yesterday the world was another but now it is mine also. Care for him, one way
or the other, care for him. Cause I think the only possibility of finding real satisfaction
is in the understanding of in and out: balancing the two shall be the truth.
Lonely path we all share, one way or another, some are good at giving, others in receiving,
some are good at all of those and bad just for themselves. Perfection is the balancing. 
Trying to find others, trying to understand and communicate - even better without talking.
All a mystery and tomorrow a ghost that can become real to haunt us or to make us feel.

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