sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013

Feel divided from earth to sea as the stings want me to go. In space I try to stand, following room of doubt to tolerate the ground where I'm found. There's too much to notice and people to talk, even if that talking is so mislead... I want to find those who can follow or follow does who go. Can't stand this broken wings of letting time pass without my agreement. Not focused on, I apply the nature of knowledge but somehow is not enough for the wheels are happening and I with them. Connect to others or so it seems. I'm finding it hard to cope with this underground where I lay my soul. She wants to go, find, shine. There's too much solitude in here. Autumn is coming and I want to rely in other weather, spring or summer, something flourishing as me. Want not to follow the dark cage... Been there. Know the infinite bliss of being grounded by knowledge and self doubt. Life is a representation of ones mind. If the mind can't follow nor is receptive then life dies. Life can not die.     

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